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You Should Forgive your parents | here is Why?

1. It’s not their mistake
Their parents messed them most. And their parents were not any better. The past generations have been rigid enough to have better than there is now.
2. Most married too young and unprepared.
1 out of 10 were ready for the responsibilities of having a family.
That’s why there’s 1,000s of;
• Deadbeat dads
• Micromanaging mothers
• Bitter, absent and rigid parents
3. They’re running from the truth.
Time change and so should people.  Our parents are attached to the past. Your role is to take reality as it is and be better.
4. Your kids need a better parent
You know what you’d have wanted to see from your parents. Create what’s best for the present.
– You don’t find yourself, you create yourself
– You don’t find a family, you build one
– You can’t find happiness, you create
5. The society is full of blame
The more you blame anyone or circumstances, the sadder your life is.
Everyone is pointing fingers, be different and take responsibility.
6. It’s the only way to understand them
There’s a reason your parent are who they’re.
To understand why you should be open-minded.
• Let go of what they did
• Cut your expectations
• Watch and learn
7. They’re still growing and slower than you are
You expect them to be perfect and mature. Until you realize maturity is not about age.  Take that as a reality.
(You can correct them)