CHS Portal | PMC Health Service | Computerization of CHS! | Mandate to municipal employees to fill information on portal for CHS card

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CHS Portal |  PMC Health Service |  Computerization of CHS!  |  Mandate to municipal employees to fill information on portal for CHS card

 CHS Portal |  PMC Health Service |  Contributory Medical Aid Scheme (CHS) is run by Pune Municipal Corporation to provide health facilities to PMC Pune Employees and ex-Corporators.  It is also being demanded that when this scheme will be computerized like the Urban Poor Medical Scheme.  Accordingly, the Municipal Health Department (PMC Health Department) has started moving.  A portal (CHS Portal) has been created by the municipal administration for this scheme.  Municipal Additional Commissioner has directed municipal employees to fill their and their family members’ information online for CHS card.  The order said to provide this information by June 26.  (CHS Portal | PMC Health Services)
 As per the order of Additional Commissioner, Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme is implemented for the employees and retired employees of Pune Municipal Corporation through Health Office.  While giving the identity card (CHS card) of this scheme to the members, the information of the members has been recorded in the register in offline mode.  (Pune Municipal Corporation)
 The link has been made available to the members of this scheme to fill the information of their dependent family members online, in which the members should fill the information of themselves and their dependent family members on the CHS card on this link.  This information is available at . It is said in the order.  (PMC CHS Portal)